
Team members:


Buzz Baum

Cell Morphogenesis Lab, University College London, UK

Eva Frickel

Host-Toxoplasma Interaction Lab, University of Birmingham, UK

Gautam Dey

Cell Morphogenesis Lab, University College London, UK

Helena Soares

Human immunobiology and Pathogenesis Lab, CEDOC, Nova Medical School, Portugal

Jason Mercer

Viral Cell Biology Lab, University of Birmingham, UK

Mark Marsh

Cellular Mechanisms of Virus Entry and Assembly Lab, University College London, UK

Serge Mostowy

Cellular Microbiology Lab, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK


Live Imaging of a Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Reveals Distinct Roles for Two ESCRT-III Homologs in Ensuring a Robust and Symmetric Division
Andre Arashiro Pulschen, Delyan R Mutavchiev, *Siân Culley*, Kim Nadine Sebastian, Jacques Roubinet, Marc Roubinet, Gabriel Tarrason Risa, Marleen van Wolferen, Chantal Roubinet, Uwe Schmidt, Gautam Dey, Sonja-Verena Albers, *Ricardo Henriques*, Buzz Baum
Published in Current Biology, June 2020 (see publication or preprint)
Research themes: Cell Division, Microbiology, New Methods, Hardware
Type: Paper